
Affirmations are one of my favorite manifestation techniques! They work by repeating positive statements that align with your goals, helping to reframe negative belief patterns. Over time, this repetition rewires your brain to truly believe these statements as reality. Your subconscious mind doesn’t distinguish between what is real and imagined, which is why affirmations are such a powerful tool for manifesting your desires and improving your mindset.

For example, let’s say you grew up around people with a negative mindset about money. This could have shaped your own beliefs about it. To shift this perspective, try writing in your journal: “I am grateful for the money I have and the money that is flowing my way.” Write this statement 25 times daily for 30 days. It’s positive, relatable, and feels good to affirm.

The key to effective affirmations is ensuring they’re:

  1. In the present tense: Speak as though your goal has already been achieved. For instance, “I am enjoying a thriving career that fulfills me and allows me to travel the world.”

  2. Specific: Focus on clear, tangible outcomes.

  3. Believable: Your affirmations should feel achievable and aligned with where you are now.

For instance, if you currently earn $40,000 a year, jumping straight to “I am earning $1,000,000 every year” might feel too far-fetched, making it harder for your subconscious to embrace. Instead, choose a statement that feels more realistic, like “I am steadily increasing my income and attracting abundant opportunities.” This bridges the gap between where you are and where you want to be, ensuring your affirmations resonate and feel empowering.



